Study Title
Carbohydrate restriction during lactation: A systematic review
Principal Investigator
Ana Laura Benevenuto de Amorim, Ester Ferreira Rodrigues, Elizandra Lopes Sussi, Lenycia de Cassya Lopes Neri
Santos Metropolitan University, Brazil; University of São Paulo, Brazil; University of Pavia, Italy
Start Date
Not specified
End Date
Not specified
Study Objective
To evaluate the outcomes of carbohydrate-restricted diets during lactation on maternal and infant health.
Short Abstract
This systematic review examines 16 studies on carbohydrate-restricted diets during lactation, primarily focusing on ketogenic and low-carbohydrate diets. The review reveals that carbohydrate restriction can lead to lactational ketoacidosis and other adverse maternal health outcomes, such as nausea, vomiting, and muscle weakness. However, the effects on infants were mostly limited to changes in feeding patterns. Therapeutic use of the ketogenic diet for treating seizures in infants was reported in one case. The review highlights the importance of professional guidance for mothers on carbohydrate-restricted diets during lactation.
Study Design
Systematic review of case reports and case series
Lactating women
Sample Size
16 studies included
Inclusion Criteria
Studies on lactating women following carbohydrate-restricted diets (including ketogenic, low-carb, and high-fat diets)
Exclusion Criteria
Non-lactating women, studies not focused on carbohydrate restriction, and those without full data on maternal or infant outcomes
Carbohydrate-restricted diets (e.g., ketogenic diet, low-carb diet)
Outcome Measures
Maternal health outcomes (e.g., lactational ketoacidosis, hospitalization) and infant health outcomes (e.g., changes in feeding patterns, seizures)
Funding Source
No funding declared
Collaborating Institutions
University of São Paulo, Santos Metropolitan University, University of Pavia
Ethics Approval
Not applicable (systematic review)
Publication Status
Published in Nutrition Research, February 2024
Lactation, carbohydrate restriction, ketogenic diet, lactational ketoacidosis, breastfeeding
Data Collection Methods
Systematic literature search using PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science, and LILACS databases
Primary Data Availability
Not applicable
Contact Information
Lenycia de Cassya Lopes Neri (