Study Title
Bridging the gap between science and society: long-term effects of the Healthy Lifestyle Community Programme (HLCP, cohort 1) on weight and the metabolic risk profile: a controlled study.
Principal Investigator
Corinna Anand, Ragna-Marie Kranz, Sarah Husain, Christian Koeder, Nora Schoch, Dima-Karam Alzughayyar, Reinhold Gellner, Karin Hengst, Heike Englert.
University of Muenster, Germany; University of Applied Sciences Muenster, Germany.
Start Date
April 2017.
End Date
October 2019.
Study Objective
To assess the long-term impact of the Healthy Lifestyle Community Programme (HLCP) on weight and other metabolic risk markers for non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Short Abstract
The HLCP showed moderate weight loss and improvements in the metabolic risk profile over 24 months. Significant weight reduction was observed in the intervention group, with the greatest changes in participants with a university degree and those who were overweight at baseline. Although weight loss was sustained, diabetes-related parameters did not improve, and larger samples from high-risk participants are recommended for future research.
Study Design
24-month controlled intervention trial with six health checks over time, comparing an intervention group and a control group.
Adults from rural Germany, with an emphasis on overweight individuals and those at risk of NCDs.
Sample Size
143 participants (91 in the intervention group and 52 in the control group).
Inclusion Criteria
Adults aged 18 years and older capable of understanding the study content.
Exclusion Criteria
Not specified.
The HLCP included an 8-week intensive phase with seminars on healthy living (plant-based diet, exercise, stress management) followed by a 22-month alumni phase with monthly meetings.
Outcome Measures
Weight loss, changes in metabolic risk markers (waist circumference, blood pressure, cholesterol, fasting glucose, HbA1c, etc.).
Funding Source
Funded by EUREGIO within the INTERREG V A programme Deutschland-Nederland.
Collaborating Institutions
University of Muenster, University of Applied Sciences Muenster.
Ethics Approval
Approved by the ethics committee of the Westphalia-Lippe Medical Association and the Muenster University (Reference: 2017-105 f-S).
Publication Status
Published in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, February 2022.
Healthy lifestyle, metabolic risk, non-communicable diseases, weight loss, community programme.
Data Collection Methods
Weighed food records, anthropometric and blood measurements, physical activity and stress questionnaires.
Primary Data Availability
Data available upon reasonable request.
Contact Information
Dr. Corinna Anand,