Implementing Effective Interventions in Healthcare

The focus of this collection is on how to implement effective interventions and practice changes to impact individual and population health. We welcome submissions of articles focussed on prevention across all areas of health, from any settings (i.e. community, primary care, hospital), and any health-related topic area, as long as their focus is on prevention and changing practice.

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  • Study Status: Published
  • Study Type: Qualitative study with semi-structured interviews
  • Study Location: Canada

Study Title
The role of trained champions in sustaining and spreading nutrition care improvements in hospital: qualitative interviews following an implementation study.

Principal Investigator
Celia Laur, Jack Bell, Renata Valaitis, Sumantra Ray, Heather Keller.

Women’s College Hospital Institute for Health System Solutions, NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health, University of Queensland, University of Waterloo.

Start Date
Phase 1: 2015, Phase 2: 2018.

End Date
Phase 1: 2017, Phase 2: 2019.

Study Objective
To understand the role of trained champions in sustaining and spreading nutrition care improvements in hospital settings.

Short Abstract
This study explored how trained local champions supported sustainability and spread of nutrition care improvements across Canadian hospitals. Champions needed understanding in change management, sustainability, and adaptation to embed changes into routine practices. Sustaining improvements required competence, the ability to empower new champions, and capacity including time, resources, and leadership support. The findings underline the importance of trained champions for long-term success in implementing hospital nutrition care improvements.

Study Design
Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews.

Hospital staff, primarily dietitians, nurses, and managers involved as champions in Canadian hospitals.

Sample Size
14 champions from 10 hospitals across six provinces.

Inclusion Criteria
Hospitals involved in the More-2-Eat (M2E) study phase 2.

Exclusion Criteria
Not specified.

Involvement in training and mentorship as champions for sustaining nutrition care practices.

Outcome Measures
Sustainability and spread of nutrition care improvements.

Funding Source
Canadian Frailty Network, Government of Canada through Networks for Excellence, Abbott Laboratories Canada.

Collaborating Institutions
Canadian Malnutrition Task Force, University of Waterloo, Health Standards Organization.

Ethics Approval
Approved by ethics boards of each hospital and University of Waterloo (ORE 31791).

Publication Status
Published in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, September 2021.

Champions, hospital nutrition, sustainability, spread, nutrition care, change management.

Data Collection Methods
Semi-structured telephone interviews with champions.

Primary Data Availability
Not applicable (qualitative study).

Contact Information
Celia Laur, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..