Study Title
Low-Bacterial Diet in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review
Principal Investigator
Sofia Matteucci, Giulia De Pasquale, Manuela Pastore, Emanuela Morenghi, Veronica Pipitone, Fanny Soekeland, Riccardo Caccialanza, Beatrice Mazzoleni, Stefano Mancin
IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Humanitas University, University of Applied Sciences, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo
Start Date
Not specified
End Date
Not specified
Study Objective
To evaluate the effects of the low-bacterial diet (LBD) in cancer patients, specifically those with neutropenia, and its impact on infection rates, mortality, and quality of life.
Short Abstract
This systematic review analyzes the use of the low-bacterial diet (LBD) in neutropenic cancer patients. The review found that while LBD is commonly recommended to reduce foodborne infections, it did not show a significant reduction in infection or mortality rates and was associated with a negative impact on quality of life due to dietary restrictions and reduced food variety.
Study Design
Systematic review of studies from 2015 to 2023
Cancer patients with neutropenia, particularly those with hematologic malignancies undergoing chemotherapy
Sample Size
3469 participants from 12 studies
Inclusion Criteria
Studies on LBD in cancer patients with neutropenia, measuring infection rates, mortality, and quality of life
Exclusion Criteria
Studies involving pediatric populations or those with incomplete data
Low-bacterial diet (LBD) vs. standard diet (SD)
Outcome Measures
- Infection rates (including bacteremia, pneumonia)
- Mortality rates
- Quality of life (e.g., incidence of diarrhea, nausea, weight loss)
Funding Source
No external funding specified
Collaborating Institutions
IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, University of Applied Sciences, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo
Ethics Approval
Not specified
Publication Status
Published in Nutrients (2023)
Neutropenic diet, low-bacterial diet, cancer, hematologic malignancies, infection prevention, quality of life
Data Collection Methods
Systematic search across PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library using keywords related to neutropenic diet, infection prevention, and cancer
Primary Data Availability
Not applicable
Contact Information
Sofia Matteucci: