Nutrition Education

The aim of the Nutrition Education collection is to provide practising physicians and other healthcare providers with reliable nutrition and lifestyle information. Its focus is on successful instruction, novel approaches, surveys of current nutrition knowledge, and proposals for better curriculum.

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  • Study Status: Published
  • Study Type: Review
  • Study Location: Global

Study Title
Global architecture for the nutrition training of health professionals: A scoping review and blueprint for next steps.

Principal Investigator
Breanna Lepre, Helena Trigueiro, Jørgen Torgerstuen Johnsen, Ali Ahsan Khalid, Lauren Ball, Sumantra Ray.

NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health, University of Wollongong, Griffith University, Ulster University, University of Cambridge.

Start Date
December 2018.

End Date
December 2019.

Study Objective
To provide an overview of capacity-building efforts in the context of nutrition education for medical and healthcare professionals, and to highlight gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Short Abstract
This scoping review synthesizes capacity-building efforts related to nutrition education for health professionals globally. The review identifies key gaps in the current provision of nutrition training, emphasizing the importance of standardized curricula and enhanced data collection. Recommendations include increased global efforts in nutrition education, the establishment of national nutrition curricula, and the development of online resources.

Study Design
Content analysis of 18 reports related to nutrition education and capacity building, alongside interviews with key personnel from the WHO and NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health.

Medical and healthcare professionals across different regions globally.

Sample Size
18 policy documents and interviews with 11 WHO personnel and 29 NNEdPro Global Centre members.

Inclusion Criteria
Reports and guidance from global multilateral organizations related to nutrition education for healthcare professionals.

Exclusion Criteria
Documents published after 2018, region-specific guidance.

Evaluation of nutrition education programs and capacity-building efforts across various healthcare sectors.

Outcome Measures

  • Improvement in nutrition education capacity
  • Global establishment of nutrition curricula
  • Progress towards universal health coverage through nutrition education

Funding Source
No specific grant declared.

Collaborating Institutions
NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health, WHO, University of Wollongong, Griffith University, Ulster University, University of Cambridge.

Ethics Approval
Not required (review article).

Publication Status
Published in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, February 2022.

Nutrition education, capacity building, global health, medical education, healthcare professionals.

Data Collection Methods
Content analysis of documents and qualitative interviews with key stakeholders.

Primary Data Availability
Not applicable (review article).

Contact Information
Breanna Lepre, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..