Implementing Effective Interventions in Healthcare

The focus of this collection is on how to implement effective interventions and practice changes to impact individual and population health. We welcome submissions of articles focussed on prevention across all areas of health, from any settings (i.e. community, primary care, hospital), and any health-related topic area, as long as their focus is on prevention and changing practice.

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  • Study Status: Published
  • Study Type: Cross-sectional study
  • Study Location: Ethiopia

Study Title
Effect of overweight/obesity on caesarean section occurrence among reproductive-aged women in Ethiopia: a secondary data analysis.

Principal Investigator
Melese Linger Endalifer, Gedefaw Diress, Hunegnaw Almaw, Bedilu Linger Endalifer.

Woldia University, Bahir Dar University, Wollo University, Ethiopia.

Start Date
June 2016.

End Date
January 2021.

Study Type
Secondary data analysis of the 2016 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.

Study Objective
To assess the association between overweight/obesity (OWO) and the occurrence of caesarean section among reproductive-aged women in Ethiopia.

Short Abstract
The study found that overweight and obese women had significantly higher odds of undergoing caesarean sections (CS) compared to women with normal weight (AOR: 2.05). It recommends promoting weight reduction programmes to reduce the CS rate and related health costs.

Women aged 15–49 years who gave birth in the last five years, Ethiopia.

Sample Size
6,928 participants.

Inclusion Criteria
Reproductive-aged women who gave birth within five years prior to the survey.

Exclusion Criteria
Women with missing data on CS or with twin pregnancies.

Overweight/obesity defined by body mass index (BMI).

Outcome Measures
Occurrence of caesarean section.

Funding Source
No specific funding.

Collaborating Institutions
Woldia University, Bahir Dar University, Wollo University.

Ethics Approval
Approved by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Science and Technology and the Institutional Review Board of ICF International.

Publication Status
Published in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, February 2021.

Caesarean section, overweight, obesity, maternal health, Ethiopia.

Data Collection Methods
Stratified two-stage random sampling and cross-tabulation analysis.

Primary Data Availability
Data relevant to the study are included in the article.

Contact Information
Melese Linger Endalifer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..