Behavioural Nutrition

The Behavioural Nutrition special collection aims to explore the psychological, social, and environmental factors influencing dietary behaviours and food choices. We invite submissions that investigate the determinants of dietary behaviour change, interventions to promote healthy eating habits, and strategies to address barriers to adopting and maintaining a nutritious diet.

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  • Study Status: Published
  • Study Type: Cross-sectional study
  • Study Location: Bangladesh

Study Title
Effects of behavioural change communication (BCC) on menstrual hygiene practices among urban school adolescent girls: a pilot study.

Principal Investigator
Farzana Saleh, et al.

Bangladesh University of Health Sciences, The University of Queensland, National Cheng Kung University, Dikoda Ltd.

Start Date
February 2018.

End Date
May 2018.

Study Objective
To assess the effects of behavioural change communication (BCC) activities on menstrual hygiene management practices (MHMP) among urban school adolescent girls.

Short Abstract
This study evaluated menstrual hygiene management practices among 270 adolescent girls in Dhaka after behavioural change communication interventions. Despite available services from the Urban Primary Health Care Project (UPHCP), adherence to recommended practices remained limited, with only 55% of girls using sanitary napkins. Issues like irregular menstrual cycles, insufficient pad changes, and lack of awareness regarding iron folic acid tablets persisted, indicating the need for further improvements in health education and practices.

Study Design
Cross-sectional design with convenience sampling.

Urban school adolescent girls aged 10–19.

Sample Size
270 participants.

Inclusion Criteria
Adolescent girls aged 10–19 without chronic diseases.

Exclusion Criteria
Girls with chronic diseases.

Not applicable (observational study evaluating behavioural changes after BCC interventions).

Outcome Measures
Menstrual hygiene practices, awareness of iron folic acid tablets, regularity of menstrual cycles, and pad-changing practices.

Funding Source
No specific funding declared.

Collaborating Institutions
Not specified.

Ethics Approval
Approved by the Bangladesh University of Health Sciences Ethics Committee (BUHS/BIO/EA/19/184).

Publication Status
Published in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, November 2023.

Menstrual hygiene, adolescent health, behavioural change communication, urban adolescent girls.

Data Collection Methods
Semi-structured, interviewer-administered questionnaires.

Primary Data Availability
Not specified.

Contact Information
Farzana Saleh, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..